evening Workshops & Talks

The Preschool Decision: Why, When and Where?

The issue of preschool has become unnecessarily stressful for parents of young children. Parents with younger children easily get swept up in the frenzy of feeling that they need to make a decision earlier than necessary. Not every child is ready for preschool at the same age, nor is every family suited to the same type of program. In this workshop, we discuss the why, when and where of sending your child to preschool.


Nutritious Cooking For and with Kids

Children who learn to cook early in their life are more likely to continue to cook for themselves as they get older. In this workshop, we discuss ways to get your children excited about cooking, tips for managing them in the kitchen, recipes, and more. Also included are some links to research on nuts and when to introduce them, and an article on raising your child vegetarian.


Kidpower parent & Caregiver workshop

Kidpower is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching “people safety skills” to people of all ages and abilities. In the case of our little ones, that means how to keep themselves and their loved ones safe, and how to set/maintain physical and emotional boundaries.

Each year, Little Wonders invites a Kidpower instructor to lead a two-hour workshop for adults only. Their Parent and Caregiver Education program includes demonstrations of the skills being discussed, and time to practice them. Participants learn how to use and teach Kidpower skills in their everyday activities so that they can can model it for their children and encourage their everyday use.

Tips From 25 Years at Little Wonders

Our beloved director, Mireille McKee, was the guest speaker at our 2020 All School Meeting. She shared with us the lessons she has learned in her 25 years at Little Wonders.


Little Wonders’ REcommended BASIC Parenting Books