Six Rainy Day Toddler Games

By Neha Kumar

Between the ongoing pandemic and recent streak of rainy days, our family has been engaging in a number of stimulating, indoor activities to entertain our restless toddler. Here are a few games that have kept our child happy and active:

Indoor Balance Beam


Our family recently moved to a new place, so we’ve been using the many colorful rolls of duct tape left over from packing for a variety of purposes. Since our toddler loves practicing her balancing skills by walking on ledges, we’ve been using duct tape to create colorful, indoor balancing paths for her. To make the activity more challenging, we’ve also created zig - zag patterns and have asked her to walk backwards or hop like a bunny on the paths.

Indoor Bowling


Recently, our family has been bowling indoors quite a bit, and it’s been a surprisingly engaging activity for all participants. Indoor bowling sets are a great purchase, but our family has simply been using empty bottles (filled with a bit of water for stabilization) and a medium sized ball. It is immensely satisfying for our toddler to throw a ball at the “pins” and experience the clatter of the pins falling on the floor. It’s also been helping my daughter improve her hand-eye coordination and has been teaching her about order and cleanliness as she returns the pins to their proper place after a turn

This or That

We’ve all been daydreaming during this pandemic, and it can be a lot of fun discussing future possibilities with your toddler through a game of “This or That.” Running through scenarios such as: “Would you prefer to visit the zoo or to visit the ocean?” often lead to engaging and enlightening conversations that excite the family for their future plans. It’s also fun to use a book as a visual aid, and to ask your toddler about their preferences between objects within the illustrations.

Treasure Hunt

Treasure hunts are a fantastic way to work your toddler’s creative, cognitive and problem-solving muscles. We have been leaving slips of paper with clues around our home, leading to a final clue and prize. Though planning a treasure hunt can take some time and planning, our toddler is very satisfied with short treasure hunts consisting of just a couple simple clues, and “prizes” that consist of toys or books she already owns. If she’s extra lucky, the grand prize may be a sweet treat.



To get my toddler's body moving, we love to crank up some tunes and play “Freeze!” For this activity, we dance until the music stops. When it does, we freeze in whatever position we may find ourselves in, such as mid-spin or with our leg in the air. Sometimes, we add in challenges such as freezing in particular poses, animals, or shapes. Toddlers love this game, and it always leads to a lot of laughs and silly positions. It’s also a great way for your toddler to burn off some extra energy before naptime.

Simon Says

This quintessential favorite never gets old. To play this game, the person chosen to be Simon calls out actions starting with the phrase “Simon says,” such as “Simon says - stamp your feet.” The players then must copy Simon’s action, and stamp their feet. If Simon calls out an action without beginning the phrase with “Simon says,” the kids must not do the action. This game is a great way to distract a toddler or to avert an unpleasant situation when a child is feeling cranky or bored. Recently, our household has experienced many sudden games of “Simon Says” whenever we may sense an impending meltdown or some frustration on the horizon.